Reduce Costs And Complexity: Embrace the Serverless Future

Reduce Costs And Complexity: Embrace the Serverless Future

Why are most businesses turning to serverless technology? Should you follow suit?

Eric Lane
Eric Lane

Lead Customer Success Manager

Experienced Customer Success Manager passionate about delivering exceptional service and spearheading revenue growth.


Table of Contents

In today’s digital speedway, businesses risk getting lapped by competitors if they stick to outdated tech. Embracing cutting-edge solutions like serverless architectures, nimble software, and modern practices is crucial to stay ahead of the pack.


For example, larger businesses must embrace containers, cloud-native platforms, and progressive web apps to stay competitive. Traditional, monolithic apps lack the scalability and flexibility needed to handle fluctuating demand effectively.


The same principle applies to serverless computing. Serverless platforms offer numerous advantages over traditional data centers.


But why should your company consider serverless in 2024 and beyond? Apart from the obvious benefits like eliminating server management and reducing costs, what other compelling reasons exist for making the switch? Let’s explore some less obvious but potentially game-changing advantages for your company.

Introducing You To FaaS


Functions as a Service (FaaS) is a magic trick in the world of cloud computing, letting you run code without any server setup. It’s seamlessly woven into the serverless model, meaning you just focus on your code, and the cloud handles the rest. FaaS empowers developers to craft, execute, and oversee application functionalities sans the burden of infrastructure management typically associated with app deployment.



Think of FaaS akin to ready-made building blocks, akin to libraries and frameworks, sparing developers the need to construct everything from the ground up. This not only streamlines projects but also enhances reliability, replication, and cost-effectiveness.


Who wouldn’t appreciate that?


Among the leading FaaS solutions are:

  • Amazon’s AWS Lambda
  • Google Cloud Functions
  • Microsoft Azure Functions
  • IBM Cloud Functions

Any of these options would be beneficial for your company. With their reliability and speed, each FaaS offering can accelerate your software deployment process while ensuring maximum reliability.

However, enormous power also demands considerable responsibility. The possibility of data breaches, illegal access, and other security risks increases as more businesses use serverless. Data is the new money in today’s connected world, thus protecting your serverless environment is crucial. You’re at risk of disclosing private information and risking the integrity of your application if you don’t have enough security measures. Strong security benchmarks are required in this situation.


The goal of serverless security is to safeguard your data and code. It consists of operations like encrypting private information, keeping an eye out for suspicious activities, and routinely patching flaws in your code. Strong security precautions are becoming more and more necessary as serverless computing grows. It’s not just about building applications, but building them securely.


It’s crucial to make sure that your serverless apps are built with security in mind from the beginning in addition to these precautions. To protect against known vulnerabilities, this involves using secure libraries and APIs and sticking to recommended practices for secure coding. Last but not least, you may significantly reduce the danger of security breaches by training your staff on the value of security and giving them the required training.

Why You Should Consider Serverless in 2024

Listed down below are all the reasons why you should embrace serverless in 2024

Unlimited Scalability

Are you currently relying on a traditional data center? When the time comes to scale up, what’s your plan? If your data center was initially designed to accommodate significant growth, you might be in luck. But if it was set up to meet your company’s needs at the time of its creation, chances are scalability is limited. To keep up with growing demand, you’d likely need to invest in more hardware—whether that’s servers, RAM, faster CPUs, or expensive GPUs.


This could pose a costly dilemma for any company, particularly if demand is skyrocketing.


But with serverless technology, you don’t need to worry about buying expensive hardware to handle growing demand. Furthermore, it’s not just the initial cost you have to consider. There’s also the lengthy process of setting up and configuring the hardware to match your current setup, which can be quite complicated. What if the original developers or designers who established your data center are no longer with your team? Suddenly, the task becomes much more difficult.


Scalability is a non-issue with serverless architecture. Companies like AWS and Google are well-equipped to handle any level of demand or growth, ensuring they can meet your scalability requirements, no matter how substantial they may be.

Admittedly, as your usage increases, so will your expenses. However, this expense is still more economical than purchasing, deploying, and maintaining a data center filled with servers.

Accelerated Deployments

Serverless technology significantly speeds up deployments. Instead of dealing with the complexities of uploading all code to a server or configuring the backend, developers can upload smaller code segments to iterate on an application. This approach simplifies patching, updating, adding new features, or resolving issues for an application or service. Moreover, with Functions as a Service (FaaS), developers can upload, patch, or fix individual functions independently.


Alternatively, developers have the option to upload the entire application at once.


The key is flexibility for your developers.


By adopting a per-function, short-lived, stateless approach to development, deployments become significantly faster.

Streamlined Container Management

Deploying and managing the Kubernetes container orchestration platform presents a major challenge for your developers and operations teams. Anyone who has tackled this task can attest to its complexity.

Fortunately, many serverless platforms streamline this process. Providers like AWS and Google offer web-based interfaces that greatly simplify Kubernetes cluster deployment. These clusters can be created and removed as needed, enhancing the appeal of going serverless for container management.

The reality is that managing a Kubernetes cluster can be a time-consuming endeavor in itself, requiring a dedicated portion of your DevOps team’s attention.
By embracing serverless technology, you eliminate a significant barrier to entry for container deployment and management.

Embedded Cloud-Native Features

Lastly, let’s delve into the cloud-native aspect. Cloud-native has become indispensable for numerous businesses, particularly those at the enterprise level. It extends beyond popular services like Google Drive, Dropbox, or iCloud.


Cloud-native is centered on microservices, which are closely linked with containers. These containers have become crucial for contemporary businesses aiming to adjust to changing demand.


Cross out clunky servers and inflexible systems. Cloud-native development has revolutionized how applications are built. Think of it as building apps specifically for the cloud, taking advantage of its flexibility and power. This lets your teams seamlessly work across different cloud environments, whether it’s public, private, or a mix of both.

Basically, it’s like having superpowers for building scalable and adaptable apps.


Embracing cloud-native practices can improve the effectiveness of your software development process, reduce deployment expenses, and guarantee the accessibility of your applications and services. Additionally, if your company plans to shift to an agile methodology, adopting cloud-native practices will be essential.

Big names go serverless, shouldn't you?

Netflix, Coca-Cola, T-Mobile – these industry giants aren’t known for making bad bets. So, when they all jumped on the serverless bandwagon, you know it’s something special.


But why are these bigwigs ditching traditional servers? Simple: serverless works. It streamlines development, cuts costs, and scales like a dream. No wonder it’s becoming the go-to choice for modern businesses.


Thinking of joining the serverless party? Here’s why it could be your organization’s secret weapon:

  • Effortless scaling: Need to handle a million users overnight? Serverless scales automatically, so you never get stressed about server capacity.
  • Kiss complexity goodbye: Ditch server management and focus on what you do best – building amazing apps.
  • Pay-as-you-go: Only pay for the resources you use. Automatically save up on extra costs.

In Conclusion

Serverless computing is here to stay, and any enterprise would find it challenging to justify not transitioning to this paradigm of the new digital era. With a plethora of serverless hosting options available, you should be able to discover a platform perfectly aligned with your requirements, budget, and internal expertise.

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