Artificial Intelligence - The Future | Blog

Artificial Intelligence - The Future

Moez Salam
Moez Salam

Senior Marketing Associate
Passionate about marketing with an affinity to learn about the ever-developing IT sector.

Artificial Intelligence has redefined the way we interact with the world around us and changed the way we live our lives. Having come a long way from its inception, Artificial Intelligence has produced cutting-edge innovations and tools that only promise to keep redefining the boundaries of innovation and experience. Let us take a look at what artificial intelligence is, some revolutionary innovations under its banner, and where AI is projected to go in the near future.

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What Is Artificial Intelligence?

Simply defined, Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is the simulation of human intelligence processes by computer systems.


During its inception in the 1950s, Artificial Intelligence research focused on creating simple programs that could perform simple tasks, such as playing chess or solving mathematical problems. Since then, the field of AI has been rapidly advancing with the advent of powerful computing resources and has made tremendous strides in areas such as computer vision, natural language processing, and speech recognition. 

As a result of this, Artificial Intelligence is widely used in more areas of our lives. These range from self-driving cars and virtual personal assistants to medical diagnosis and financial forecasting. It has tremendous applications in industries such as healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and retail, more of which we will discuss later in this blog.

Artificial Intelligence In Everyday Life

Artificial Intelligence
Owing to the massive growth and development of Artificial Intelligence over the years, AI has now made its way as an indispensable part of our lives. Let us take a look at some of the most prominent roles AI has to play in everyday life:

Personal Assistants

Mobile assistants all function on AI. For example, Siri, Alex, and Google Assistant all utilize Artificial intelligence to form a variety of functions and tasks that include setting reminders, playing music, answering questions, controlling smart home devices, and executing various tasks on voice commands amongst many other functions.

Streaming Platforms

Artificial Intelligence helps with streaming platforms by automating and improving various aspects of content curation and suggestions, management, quality control, ad targeting, content protection, predictive modeling, and customer support, which can help improve the user experience and increase revenue for streaming platforms.

Social Media

Artificial Intelligence can help in social media filtering by identifying and flagging content that violates community guidelines, such as hate speech, bullying, and harassment. AI can also be used to detect and remove spam or fraudulent accounts on social media platforms. Lastly, it personalizes the content that is shown to users on social media platforms, by analyzing their behavior and preferences.


AI can help in email filtering by identifying and flagging spam emails. It can also group emails together, making it easier for users to organize and find certain emails. AI can categorize emails according to labels such as ‘Promotional’, ‘Social’, or ‘Updates’ and ultimately helps make the user experience with emailing much smoother.

Smart Home Devices

Artificial Intelligence operates smart home devices in several ways. It predicts a user’s needs and automatically adjusts the settings of devices, such as adjusting the temperature in the room before the user arrives home. It can also monitor the status of devices, and send notifications if something is not working properly or if maintenance is needed. AI is also capable of learning and adapting to a user’s habits over time, essentially becoming more personalized.

Groundbreaking AI Inventions


Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a cutting-edge language model with the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with technology. ChatGPT has the ability to provide customer service, content creation for marketing and sales purposes, language translation, programming services, text completion and summarization, and generating material for on-the-job training, amongst many other applications.

Text-to-Image Generators

Artificial Intelligence

One of the leading image and text generation models, DALL-E 2, developed by OpenAI, has the ability to revolutionize the way we create and consume content. It can be utilized for creating highly-realistic images for film and video game productions, generating unique product designs for manufacturers, writing articles, and generating social media posts and also assists in marketing and advertising by creating engaging and personalized content for different audiences. 

AI-Generated Video Tools

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence can now be harnessed to generate videos that mimic the appearance and movement of real people and objects. These videos can be used to create realistic computer-generated characters for movies and video games. They can also be used to create instructional, educational, or training videos suited to multiple audiences.

Both Synthesia and Dall-E 2 are leading the initiative to innovate this application of AI and are soon to launch additional features as well.

AI-Powered Writing Tools

Artificial Intelligence

AI has produced automated writing tools such as, and to empower businesses by taking over tasks such as content generation, copywriting, and language translation. 


Users simply input a prompt or sample text and the writing tool generates texts ranging from product descriptions, and headlines, to social media posts. This helps save time, effort, and energy while improving the overall quality of the generated content.

With the rise of Artificial Intelligence, the concern for potentially replacing human jobs has become a significant subject of interest.


Artificial Intelligence has led to cost savings and increased output considering that AI-powered machines can world 24/7 without breaks. This is highly applicable in industries centered around automation such as transportation, manufacturing, and customer service. Human jobs in these industries are highly susceptible to replacement.

On the other hand, it is worthwhile to note that while Artificial Intelligence holds the potential to replace certain jobs, it also has the potential to create new ones. For instance, the various AI setups in place will require humans to program, operate and maintain these systems. Secondly, it will increase the demand for specialized jobs for humans by setting a new baseline in demand for specialized skills in labor.


Either way, this situation depends on the rate of development in AI systems and the consequent adaptation of organizations to it. It is unlikely that Artificial Intelligence will put humans out of jobs any time soon. 

The Future of Artificial Intelligence

The future of artificial intelligence is poised to bring about significant changes to how we live and work. The possibilities are truly endless. But before delving into what Artificial Intelligence may promise us in the years to come, let us see some possible AI breakthroughs in 2023.

ChatGPT 4

Artificial Intelligence

According to the company, ChatGPT 4 will consist of 100 trillion parameters compared to its predecessor’s 175 billion.


ChatGPT4 will be able to serve essentially the same purposes as the previous model, including generating various forms of content, but will do so with greater accuracy, faster speeds, and greater reliability.

Autonomous Driverless Cars

Artificial Intelligence

All you have to do now is download the Cruise App to order a car, without a driver at the wheel to take you to your destination. Released only for San Francisco at the moment, the Cruise App will undoubtedly expand its operational territory in the foreseeable future.


So it is only a matter of time before autonomous vehicles enter the commercialization phase. 

Humanoid Robots

Artificial Intelligence

Similar to the wave of autonomous vehicles in 2016, startups and enterprises will begin to pour capital into this field as the race to build humanoid robots heats up.


Tesla has dominated the field of humanoid robotics through 2022 with the launch of its Optimus robot which is projected to be worth more to Tesla than its entire car business.

It can be said that there will be a lot of developments in this field, so keeps your eyes peeled! 

Text-to-Image Generators

Artificial Intelligence

Text-to-image generators using Artificial Intelligence will continue to rise in popularity and usage, especially since it is widely available to the public.

It is highly likely to observe its applications in books, comics, virtual and augmented reality, and the film and video games industry. 

Conversational AI Engines

Artificial Intelligence

Ever since the introduction of ChatGPT, the idea of conversational search has garnered a lot of attention. As a result, Google has faced stiff competition in refining the way searches work.

One drawback is that conversational searches, like ChatGPT, often produce incorrect information. However, given that it is still in its early stages, further development and advancement can be sure to rectify these shortcomings.

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