AWS Serverless Security: Essential Best Practices for Developers - Datics

AWS Serverless Security: Essential Best Practices for Developers

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AWS Serverless Security: Essential Best Practices for Developers

AWS serverless security best practices are crucial for anyone using serverless computing with AWS Lambda. If you’re looking for quick answers, here is a short list of key practices:

  • Use Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and permissions
  • Enable monitoring with AWS CloudTrail and CloudWatch Logs
  • Regularly update and patch dependencies
  • Employ API gateways as security buffers
  • Separate data and secure configurations

Step into serverless computing with AWS Lambda, where infrastructure management is a thing of the past. AWS Lambda allows you to focus entirely on building scalable and efficient applications. However, while AWS manages the infrastructure, the security of your applications remains a shared responsibility.

To illustrate, AWS secures the underlying infrastructure, but it’s your job to lock down access to your applications and ensure that your data is safe. Think of it as AWS locking the main gate, but handing you the key to secure your doors and windows.

My name is Umair Majeed, the CEO of Datics AI. With experience in cloud security, I’ve seen how adhering to aws serverless security best practices can significantly reduce security risks.

I invite you to dive deeper into these best practices to ensure the security and integrity of your serverless applications.

Key Security Measures for AWS Serverless Environments - Infographic - aws serverless security best practices infographic step-infographic-4-steps

Understanding Serverless Computing

Serverless computing is a transformative approach for developers, allowing them to focus solely on crafting code without the burden of managing servers. This is the essence of serverless architecture.

What is Serverless Architecture?

In serverless architecture, developers create functions as discrete units of code, which the cloud provider executes on-demand. This model, often called Function-as-a-Service (FaaS), enables the deployment of individual functions that activate in response to specific events, scaling automatically with demand.

Function-as-a-Service (FaaS)

FaaS operates on an event-driven basis, meaning your code is executed in response to events like HTTP requests or data changes. This model streamlines deployment, allowing developers to focus on application logic without managing underlying infrastructure.

Why Choose Serverless?

The primary advantage of serverless computing is its simplicity in development. There’s no need to manage servers, which accelerates development and cuts costs. For instance, businesses can use serverless functions for tasks like user authentication or payment processing, concentrating on feature development rather than server upkeep.

Real-Life Example

Consider an e-commerce site experiencing a sales surge, necessitating the handling of thousands of requests per second. Traditionally, this would require provisioning sufficient servers to manage peak loads, a costly and complex process. With serverless, functions automatically adjust to handle increased traffic, optimizing costs and complexity.

In summary, serverless computing empowers developers to deploy applications swiftly and efficiently. By leveraging FaaS and cloud services, developers can focus on their code while the cloud manages scalability and infrastructure demands. This approach not only expedites development but also ensures applications can scale effectively to meet user needs.

Key Security Risks in Serverless Architecture

Serverless computing offers many benefits, but it also introduces unique security risks. Understanding these risks is crucial for keeping your serverless applications safe. Let’s explore the main security concerns: increased attack surfaces, security misconfiguration, broken authentication, and over-privileged functions.

Increased Attack Surfaces

Serverless applications consist of many small, independent functions. Each function is an entry point that could be exploited by attackers. With more entry points, the attack surface increases, making it easier for attackers to find vulnerabilities.

Example: Imagine a serverless application with 100 functions. If one function is vulnerable, the entire application is at risk.

Security Misconfiguration

Misconfigurations in serverless settings can lead to severe security issues. For instance, Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks are common due to misconfigured timeout settings. Attackers exploit low concurrent limits to overwhelm the application.

Fact: Misconfigured function links can lead to Denial-of-Wallet (DoW) attacks, increasing the cost of serverless functions by elongating function events.

Broken Authentication

Serverless applications are often stateless, which can complicate authentication. If one function’s authentication fails, the entire application may be compromised. Attackers use methods like dictionary attacks and automated brute force to gain access.

Quote: “In a serverless architecture, a single mishandled authentication can impact the rest of the application.” — AWS Architecture Blog

Over-Privileged Functions

Each function in a serverless application has its own roles and permissions. Sometimes, functions are granted more privileges than necessary, increasing the risk of exploitation.

Case Study: A function that constantly accesses the database and updates other functions could be a huge risk if over-privileged, as it becomes highly visible to attackers.

Understanding these key security risks is the first step in securing your serverless applications. By recognizing and addressing these vulnerabilities, you can build safer, more robust serverless solutions.

Next, we’ll explore AWS Serverless Security Best Practices to help you mitigate these risks effectively.

AWS Serverless Security Best Practices

API Gateways act as a protective barrier between your serverless functions and users. They use API HTTPS endpoints to secure data transmission. These gateways also function as a reverse proxy, adding an extra layer of security.


  • Data Encryption: Ensures data is secure both in transit and at rest.
  • Key Management: Helps manage and rotate encryption keys safely.

Example: By separating data from functions, API gateways reduce the attack surface and implement several security checks.

Data Separation and Secure Configurations

Proper data separation and secure configurations are critical to avoid Denial-of-Wallet (DoW) attacks and Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks.

Steps to Implement:

  • Code Scanning: Regularly scan your code to identify and fix vulnerabilities.
  • Expose Secret Keys: Identify and protect any exposed secret keys.
  • Function Timeouts: Set minimal function timeouts to prevent DoS attacks.

Example: Misconfigured timeout settings can allow attackers to execute prolonged function events, leading to DoW attacks.

Dealing with Insecure Authentication

Insecure authentication can expose your serverless applications to unauthorized access. Use robust authentication methods to secure your functions.


  • OAuth, OIDC, SAML, OpenID Connect: Use these protocols for secure authentication.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Add an extra layer of security.
  • Password Complexity: Enforce strong password policies.

Example: Using OAuth and MFA can significantly reduce the risk of dictionary attacks and automated brute force attempts.

Sufficient Serverless Monitoring and Logging

Invest in comprehensive monitoring and logging tools to keep an eye on your serverless applications.


  • Observability Tools: Go beyond basic CSP logging tools to monitor the application layer.
  • CSP Logging Tools: Use but don’t solely rely on these tools.

Example: Application event data can be an entry point for attacks if not closely monitored. Use VPC Flow Logs to capture detailed IP traffic information.

Minimize Privileges

Implement the least privilege principle to ensure each function only has the permissions it absolutely needs.

Steps to Implement:

  • IAM Roles: Assign specific roles to each function.
  • Function Separation: Isolate functions to limit their interactions.

Example: A function that updates databases should have minimal permissions to reduce its visibility to attackers.

Separate Application Development Environments

Separate your development environments to ensure continuous testing and improvement of your application.

Steps to Implement:

  • CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment): Automate your deployment process.
  • Staging, Development, Production: Keep these environments separate to prioritize vulnerability management.

Example: By separating environments, you can ensure that vulnerabilities are managed at every development stage, keeping your application secure.

By following these AWS serverless security best practices, you can significantly reduce the risks associated with serverless architectures and build robust, secure applications.

Managing Application Security Boundaries

Evaluate and Define Resource Policies

Defining your application’s security boundaries is crucial in serverless architecture. Resource policies are AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) statements that you attach to resources like Amazon S3 buckets or API Gateway REST API methods. These policies specify who can access the resource and what actions they can perform.

Key Points:

  • Resource-based policies: These policies are attached directly to the AWS resources, such as S3 buckets or Lambda functions. They help control access based on various criteria like source IP, function event source, or identity.
  • Identity-based policies: These policies are attached to IAM users, groups, or roles. They define what actions those identities can perform on specified resources.

For instance, in a serverless airline example, the IngestLoyalty service uses a Lambda function that subscribes to an Amazon SNS topic. The Lambda function’s resource policy allows SNS to invoke the function, ensuring controlled access.

Steps to Implement:

  1. Review existing policies: Regularly check how permissive your policies are.
  2. Use AWS Organizations: Manage and govern individual member accounts centrally.
  3. Implement fine-grained access: Use resource policies to restrict access based on specific criteria like API Gateway ID, HTTP method, and request path.

Example: API Gateway resource-based policies can restrict API access to specific Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), VPC endpoint, source IP address/range, AWS account, or IAM users.

Control Network Traffic at All Layers

Controlling network traffic is another essential aspect of managing security boundaries. This involves using various AWS tools and services to monitor and restrict traffic flow to and from your serverless applications.

Key Points:

  • AWS WAF: Protects your APIs by filtering and monitoring HTTP requests.
  • Private API Endpoints: Use these to limit access to your APIs within a VPC, ensuring they are not exposed to the internet.
  • VPC Flow Logs: Capture information about IP traffic going to and from network interfaces in your VPC. This data can be published to Amazon CloudWatch Logs or S3 for granular traffic analysis.

Steps to Implement:

  1. Use VPC Endpoints: Connect to AWS services from within a VPC without an internet gateway, NAT device, VPN connection, or AWS Direct Connect connection.
  2. Configure Security Groups and Network ACLs: Control inbound and outbound traffic at the instance and subnet level.
  3. Audit Traffic with VPC Flow Logs: Regularly review flow logs to understand and manage traffic patterns.

Example: For Lambda functions configured to use a VPC, VPC Flow Logs can help audit traffic and identify any unauthorized access attempts.

By evaluating and defining resource policies and controlling network traffic at all layers, you can create robust security boundaries for your AWS serverless applications. This ensures isolation and protection for, within, and between your application components.

Frequently Asked Questions about AWS Serverless Security Best Practices

Is AWS serverless secure?

Yes, AWS serverless is secure, but it follows a shared responsibility model. AWS handles the security of the cloud infrastructure, including hardware, software, networking, and facilities. However, you are responsible for securing your applications and data within the cloud. This means you must implement aws serverless security best practices to ensure your applications remain protected.

What security best practices should be implemented to protect serverless applications and data?

To protect your serverless applications and data, follow these key best practices:

  1. Minimize Function Roles: Assign the least privilege necessary to each function to reduce the risk of unauthorized access. Use IAM roles to control permissions precisely.

  2. Use API Gateways as Security Buffers: API Gateways act as a reverse proxy, creating a buffer between users and your backend functions. They support HTTPS endpoints and provide built-in security features like data encryption and key management.

  3. Secure Configurations: Regularly scan your code for vulnerabilities, avoid hardcoding secrets, and set function timeouts to the minimum required. Proper configurations help prevent DoS and DoW attacks.

  4. Implement Strong Authentication: Use multi-factor authentication (MFA) and standards like OAuth, OIDC, and SAML to ensure robust access control. Enforce strong password policies to mitigate risks of broken authentication.

  5. Sufficient Serverless Monitoring and Logging: Use observability tools and CSP logging tools to monitor your application’s behavior. This helps in detecting and responding to anomalies quickly.

Which is not a best practice for securing serverless functions?

When securing serverless functions, avoid these pitfalls:

  • Increased Attack Surfaces: Serverless architectures can introduce more points of entry for attacks. Ensure you limit these by following best practices.

  • Security Misconfiguration: Misconfigured settings can expose your application to threats. Regularly review and update your configurations to adhere to best practices.

  • Broken Authentication: Ensure all functions use strong authentication methods. Weak authentication can be exploited by attackers to gain unauthorized access.

  • Over-Privileged Functions: Avoid giving functions more permissions than necessary. Over-privileged functions increase the risk if they are compromised.

By adhering to these aws serverless security best practices, you can significantly reduce the risk of vulnerabilities and ensure your serverless applications remain secure.


At Datics AI, we understand the critical importance of securing your serverless applications. By following AWS serverless security best practices, you can protect your valuable data, maintain user trust, and keep your applications running smoothly.

We specialize in custom software development custom to your unique needs. Whether you’re a startup or a global enterprise, our innovative solutions are designed to help you accept the serverless future with confidence.

Our team is dedicated to providing top-notch security practices, ensuring that your applications are not only efficient but also robust against potential threats. We work with clients worldwide to deliver secure, scalable, and cost-effective serverless solutions.

Ready to take your serverless architecture to the next level? Contact us today to learn how we can help you fortify your serverless defenses and achieve your business goals.

By partnering with Datics AI, you’re not just getting a service provider; you’re gaining a trusted ally in your journey towards a secure and innovative serverless environment.

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