Your Guide to Managing Remote Teams; 12 Best Practices

Your Guide to Managing Remote Teams; 12 Best Practices

Having trouble managing remote teams?

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managing remote teams

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The last few years have shown exponential growth in remote work, with various industries now embracing it as the new norm. Compared to other sectors and industries, the technology sector has the highest share of remote workers.

managing remote teams

While this shift comes with its set of advantages, there’s no denying the fact that managing remote teams is no easy task. There are several impediments to it, that you won’t usually come across when overlooking an in-house team. Navigating these issues requires a strategic and well-defined approach.

Reasons That Make Managing Remote Teams Difficult

Before we start talking about how you can master managing remote teams, let’s take a look at the main reasons why it becomes difficult to manage them in the first place.

managing remote teams


Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful team management, and it can become more challenging with remote teams. In an in-house setting, you have the advantage of face-to-face interactions, spontaneous discussions, and immediate feedback.


However, with remote teams, communication relies heavily on digital tools such as video conferencing, chat apps, and emails. Misunderstandings can arise more easily, leading to delays or misunderstandings in project execution. As an example, ensuring that everyone understands the project goals, tasks, and timelines becomes critical, and the use of project management tools that emphasize transparency and clarity can be vital in managing remote teams effectively.

Team Cohesion

Building a cohesive team culture and fostering camaraderie can be more challenging when team members are not physically present in the same office space.

Remote teams might miss out on casual interactions, coffee chats, or team-building activities that naturally occur in an office environment. As a result, managers need to be proactive in creating opportunities for virtual team building, such as online social events, virtual coffee breaks, or shared interest groups. This helps in ensuring that team members feel connected and motivated, even though they are physically apart.

Tracking Progress

Tracking the progress of tasks and ensuring accountability can be more complex with remote teams. Managers need to implement systems for monitoring work, such as regular check-ins, progress reports, and clear task assignments. Additionally, utilizing project management tools that providе visibility into individual and tеam progrеss can bе bеneficial. This еnsures that еveryone is on thе samе pagе and accountablе for their contributions.

Reduced Visibility, Low Motivation Levels

Without the daily interactions and in-person recognition, it can be harder for managers to recognize and celebrate individual and team achievements. This lack of recognition can decrease employee motivation and engagement.


It’s еasier to blur the linеs bеtweеn work and pеrsonal lifе whеn you’rе working rеmotеly.


Remote work flеxibility can bе a doublе-edged sword. It’s crucial to offеr guidancе and support to еnsure еmployees maintain a hеalthy work-life balancе and avoid burnout.


Bеst Practicеs for Managing Remote Teams

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managing remote teams

Here’s how to set the stage for your remote team’s success. Keep it adaptable, yet lay down some basic guidelines for everyone to stick to. Here are a few ideas:

  • Team Gatherings: Pick a daily slot when your team can gather for meet-ups that suit everyone’s schedules and time zones.
  • Connecting Lines: Agree on which tools to use for different needs. Maybe use emails for updates on tasks, while keeping platforms like Mattermost and Slack handy for casual chats.
  • Workflow Magic: Craft workflows, both automated and manual, to guide team members even when the lines of communication get fuzzy.

Solid Frameworks in Place For Accountability

Grant your team members the freedom to manage their tasks independently, while ensuring they take responsibility for their work. Their achievements should be linked to measurable goals within their control, and they should update on their progress and the challenges they face. Both of these things should be discussed and shared in both team and one-on-one meetings. Remember, having solid frameworks in place beforehand will save you a lot of time and trouble later down the line.

Making Use of Appropriate Tools

For effective management of remote teams, it’s important to make use of collaboration tools tailored for remote work.

managing remote teams

Consider these options to boost your team’s productivity: Asana, which serves as a project management hub; Figma, an online tool for whiteboarding and design tasks; Slack, a platform for team messaging; Google Drive, providing cloud storage and file sharing capabilities; Zoom, ideal for video conferencing needs; Invision, offering design and collaboration features; GitHub, a tool for collaborative software development; and LastPass, aiding in password management and sharing.

Integrating these tools into your operations can simplify communication and enhance the efficiency of managing remote teams.

Documenting Processes

In managing remote teams, it’s key to curate thorough documents detailing your team’s processes. This could involve creating guides on tasks like updating code on GitHub or publishing content on WordPress. These user-friendly guides should be easy for all team members to follow. Not only do they assist new team members in quickly understanding your team’s way of working, but they also act as a buffer against any slowdowns in productivity that might occur when team members, as is natural, move on to new roles. Such documentation ensures a smooth transition for incoming team members and helps maintain the flow of ongoing projects.

Project Management Tools

Managing remote teams becomes smoother when you make good use of a project management tool. This ensures that everyone is kept in the loop about projects, tasks, and assignments. To boost efficiency, try to gather all important discussions within each project’s description and comments section. This helps team members avoid the hassle of switching between different platforms such as email and scattered Slack chats to get the necessary details for a task.


When communication is centralized within the project management tool, team members can easily find all the important information in one place, making workflows simpler and promoting better collaboration. This approach not only saves time but also creates a more orderly and productive remote work environment for your team.

Steering Clear of Micromanagement

steering clear

Amidst trying to manage remote teams, most people tend to forget that there’s a fine line between regular check ins and constant monitoring. It is extremely important to steer clear of micromanagement. You want to foster a positive work environment that is both conducive to your employees and goals.


First things first, when expectations are made clear, there’s little need for constant monitoring. Try to promote autonomy and allow your team to choose how they approach their work and let them deliver results. Regular feedback is also something that you should try to promote within your team.

Streamlined Workflows

In managing remote teams, after you’ve documented your processes, explore ways to make your workflows more efficient. This could mean integrating automation into your processes or perhaps bringing on board contractors to handle certain tasks.

The less time you invest in overseeing projects and transitions, the more time you’ll free up for actual productivity.

Celebrate Team Wins

Keeping your remote team motivated is a lot more difficult than you think. The lack of face to face communication and collaboration tends to make building rapport and gauging morale hard. Which is exactly why you should always celebrate team wins. It’s a powerful team for teams functioning in a remote environment. It fosters a sense of belonging and creates unity amongst the team. It also makes them feel seen, visible, and appreciated.


In managing remote teams, consider recognizing achievements with performance awards or celebrating employee milestones. When a team member exceeds expectations, acknowledge their efforts publicly. Highlight their accomplishments in team meetings, allowing them to receive recognition from other teams and executives.

Keep An Eye Out For Burn Out

In managing remote teams, it’s important to watch out for signs of burnout, even if employees don’t mention it. Early detection can prevent issues from escalating.

If you notice a team member arriving late to meetings or not performing up to their usual standard, avoid immediate criticism. Instead, offer emotional support and inquire about their well-being. Sometimes, a short break is all they need, and your understanding might encourage them to take it.

Provide thorough training and support to ensure employees understand and can effectively use the new systems. Offer both initial training sessions and ongoing support to facilitate adoption.

Quick Fixes For Unforeseen Technical Problems

In managing remote teams, it’s normal for things to occasionally go awry. Expect internet glitches, camera issues, audio problems, and app hiccups—it’s the nature of technology.

Understand that technical hitches happen, and don’t stress about it. Collaborate with your IT team to find speedy remedies, but keep calm when things don’t go as planned.

Datics AI; Remote Work, Reliable Results

Still unsure of how to navigate the world of remote work? Don’t sweat it because we’ve got you covered for all your remote staffing solutions. In managing remote teams, we’ve got everything you need for tools, efficiency, and flexibility.


Get started today to devote more time to your projects and less on managing your remote teams.

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