Top 10 Ways To Use ChatGPT For Product Managers (2024)

Top 10 Ways To Use ChatGPT For Product Managers (2024)

Moez Salam
Moez Salam

Senior Marketing Associate
Passionate about marketing with an affinity to learn about the ever-developing IT sector.

ChatGPT for Product Managers

Table of Contents

As a powerful language processing model, ChatGPT can be used for a wide range of natural language processing tasks, ranging from text generation to language translation. 


ChatGPT for product managers has proven to be a valuable tool in terms of improving communication and decision-making in product development.

In this blog, we will highlight the top 10 uses of ChatGPT for Product Managers which include functions ranging from generating product descriptions to conducting market research.


By leveraging the capability of ChatGPT for product managers, workflows can be streamlined, and valuable insights into customer behavior can be generated. This will ultimately lead to better-informed decisions about product development and strategy. 

What Is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT for Product Managers

ChatGPT (Generative Pre-Training Transformer) is a language model that is capable of generating human-like text outputs on the basis of the input it receives. 


It is capable of learning from its interactions with the user and so, the more one uses it, the better it becomes at understanding that person’s specific language and ends up providing more accurate and personalized responses.

It has been trained in multiple languages, so it’s a great tool for translation. Despite all the cutting-edge functionalities that ChatGPT has to offer, it is not here to replace humans yet! 


While it actually promotes the specialization of higher-level functions in jobs, and ChatGPT for product managers is especially benefiting, it is important to remember that it is not quite ready as of yet to function autonomously like humans.

What Is The Importance of ChatGPT for Product Managers?

Since the latest release of ChatGPT in November 2022, its utility has grown for individuals in virtually every profession. This includes product managers as well. As mentioned earlier, ChatGPT develops a better understanding of a business based on the amount and quality of text inputted that it is then trained on.


To that end, ChatGPT helps create summaries, analyze blindspots while giving remedial measures, and also helps compose outreach emails for a business. 

Using ChatGPT for product managers can allow for automation, simplification, and scaling of the workflow, with an emphasis on maximizing a team’s productivity and output.


At the end of the day, how well ChatGPT for product managers performs depends on the prompts that it is fed and how it is trained. 

Here are some of the BEST USES and PROMPTS in ChatGPT for Product Managers.

Top 10 Uses of ChatGPT For Product Managers

Staff Augmentation

Outreach Emails

Applying to countless jobs with the same profile, contributing to another set of resume mistakes often results in bearing no success. This is why it is important to prioritize quality over quantity as applying to as many jobs as possible might actually not be the best way to go about things.


Simply go through several LinkedIn job descriptions. Next, copy and paste the text into a word document. Run that document text through a word cloud generator and sort the words by their frequency. Use the high-frequency words to facilitate your skills section. For more guidance on how to do this, check out our LinkedIn Profile Optimization blog.


It must be noted that there is a significant difference between a LinkedIn profile and a resume. A LinkedIn profile is a general overview of you as a professional. On the other hand, your resume is a ‘hyper-targeted’ approach for each individual job application. 


Utilizing ChatGPT for Product Managers enables them to condense large amounts of information into a concise and precise format, outlining the essential takeaways. 


The first step involves training ChatGPT with the customer data under observation. Next, choose a model to generate the summary.

Essentially, this functionality focuses on telling ChatGPT HOW Product Managers want the information summarized. ChatGPT will then go on to provide a summarized version of the information (the prompt) that it has been fed.


An importantpoint to note is that ChatGPT is NOT infallible, and so, the results provided must always be double-checked in order to ensure consistency and authenticity. 


While using ChatGPT for this purpose, product managers can also opt for an alternative AI model Genei, to test out the function of summarization.  

Customer Experience

ChatGPT can help product managers to analyze feedback from customers in order to identify and improve their service. Here are some prompts that can be given to ChatGPT in order to generate some affirmative actions:


Prompt #1: What is our customer sentiment towards Product XYZ?

Followed by,

Prompt #2: What are some key customer insights that can help inform our development for Product XYZ?

ChatGPT will produce a list of suggestions that can then be applied to areas of improvement within the business, whether through products or services. 


As mentioned earlier, it is worth noting that the more information product managers train ChatGPT with, the better the output will be. 

Writing Product Descriptions & User Manuals

Product Managers can use ChatGPT in order to write clear product descriptions, along with user manuals as well. As mentioned earlier, the key lies in providing well-rounded prompts to ChatGPT in order to obtain useful information and results.


Some prompts include the following:

My Product X has the following properties:

– Dimensions
– Weight
– Material Type & Quality
– Shape

Write a detailed product description for Product X”

After creating this prompt, product managers can ask ChatGPT to generate a list of FAQs for this product X and write a step-by-step instructional document as part of a user manual on how to use this product.


This information can further be optimized to write press releases, common use cases of product X, product testimonials, potential uses and applications across various industries, and even a product comparison chart between product X and its competitors. 

Expanding Product Lines

Utilizing ChatGPT for Product Managers includes providing prompts that elaborate on a particular product, and explain the desire and motive to expand. 

ChatGPT will then provide several product lines which product managers can venture into that is either within the same or different field or niche.


Prompts can include asking ChatGPT what type of adjacent products can utilize the product manager’s strengths in order to capture more market share. As a result, ChatGPT will provide a list of ideas that can be used to get started.

It must be noted that while ChatGPT does not do the entire work for you, it does give you a pretty good starting point to evaluate and then monitor your progress further down the line.

Not to mention, it saves you several days’ worth of time and allows you to nose-dive into the decision-making process.

The next step involves you having to create either a web application or adjust your website. Now, instead of hiring an expensive developer, AI Tools such as Debuild will help generate your webpage directly by using ChatGPT.

Simply pick a use case, describe your app, and you are good to go! 

Uncover Blindspots & Biases

Once the analysis period of the user research has been reached, product managers can feed their insights into ChatGPT to ask for a fresh perspective. 

ChatGPT then approaches the topic under analysis from a completely different perspective pointing out blind spots and biases that may have been overlooked.

AskViable is an amazing tool that saves product managers countless hours of analyzing feedback. It essentially utilizes the power of ChatGPT to automate data analysis and ensures that product managers miss as little as possible in their analysis process.


It must be noted, again, that ChatGPT does not give 100% accurate findings and should be used as a supplement instead.  

Conducting Market Research & Competitor Analysis

Utilizing ChatGPT for product managers in order to conduct both market research and competitor analysis has proven to be extremely useful. 

ChatGPT can help identify the main trends in an industry and then suggest on how a given company can capitalize on this.


ChatGPT helps list out the main competitors with their individual strengths and weaknesses. To build up to that, it also outlines the driving factors of customer purchasing behavior in each market segment while identifying specific customer pain points that drive these trends.


Product Managers can ask ChatGPT the projected growth rate for a specific market as well as identify key market segments which hold the greatest opportunity for their company. It helps track the latest innovations, pricing models, key regulations, and compliance issues in a certain market and can accordingly suggest actions for product managers to take in order to compete.

As mentioned earlier, the key lies in how dense with information the prompts given to ChatGPT are. 


Surely though, ChatGPT is an indispensable tool for Product Managers to use in Market Research and Competitor Analysis. 

Tracking & Analyzing Industry Trends

ChatGPT is highly useful for product managers in developing product strategies through a thorough analysis of emerging and existing market and industry trends. 


Product managers can then use this information in order to create relevant strategies to prime their products for success.

ChatGPT can simply be asked for current trends relevant to an existing product in an industry. Product managers can then ask how to use this industry data and research in order to streamline product development for product X.

The following prompts can all be used to help streamline the product strategy:

“What are key industry reports and publications that should be followed to help refine our Product X”


“What are emerging technologies in our industry that could impact Product X”

These are just reference points for the type of prompts that can be fed into ChatGPT. The parameters for exploring industry trends with regard to a particular product are endless and so should be approached as such.

Developing Marketing Strategies

Utilizing ChatGPT for Product Managers can be harnessed to develop and create effective marketing strategies for businesses and enterprises alike. 

As mentioned earlier in this article, the key lies in the type of prompts ChatGPT is fed and trained on.


After defining and describing their own product, product managers can then ask simply feed the following prompts into ChatGPT for a well-rounded answer:

  • What are the most effective marketing channels for Product X?
  • What is the best way to target and segment our market for Product X?
  • What is the most effective pricing strategy for Product X?
  • How can we differentiate Product X from the competition in the market?

Depending on what ChatGPT produces, product managers can always ask the AI Tool to refine the answer by providing more context, clarification, and elaboration to help formulate the best strategy that meets the needs and objectives of their marketing goals. 

Creating Customer Interviews & Surveys

ChatGPT can be leveraged in order to create customer survey questions and interviews. 


The process is as simple as merely feeding ChatGPT the type of survey you want to be created, the breadth of the survey, and the target audience, and with that, you’re ready to go!


Some potential prompts that can be fed into ChatGPT are as follows:

Outline key questions to ask customers of Product X to gain valuable insights.
Design an effective survey to gauge customer feedback about Product X.
What is the most effective method of conducting customer interviews for Product X?
List the key metrics to track the effectiveness of this customer survey and interview.
How do we use this data to improve the overall performance of Product X?


Alternatively, BlockSurvey can be used to generate surveys in seconds with AI. The best thing about this is that it is not a thing of the future. It is happening now, all thanks to CPT and AI in general. 

Harnessing The Power of ChatGPT: What Is Next For Product Managers?

As we’ve explored in this article, ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize the way product managers approach their work. From generating new product ideas to analyzing customer feedback, ChatGPT can help product managers streamline their workflows and make data-driven decisions.

But what’s next for product managers and ChatGPT? As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more powerful and intuitive features that make product management easier and more efficient than ever before.

By harnessing the power of ChatGPT, product managers can stay ahead of the curve and drive success for their organizations in 2023 and beyond. 

Check out Aatir Abdul Rauf’s list of 45 ChatGPT use cases for product managers that lay the foundation for the future of harnessing ChatGPTs potential for product managers.

Click here to read up on other interesting blogs on the latest technologies and developments.

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